Law Office of Joe Saienni


The legal team at Joe Saienni, P.C. is committed to protecting your rights and fighting for your innocence.  Whether you’re charged with a misdemeanor such as DUI or assault or a serious felony such as homicide or a sex offense, we know the system, know the players, know what experts to use, know how to find mistakes in the police investigation and in the prosecutor’s case, and know how to win cases!  Joe Saienni, P.C. provides statewide representation in state or federal court.  We welcome Spanish speaking clients!  Initial consultations, including jail consultations, are free and evening and weekend appointments are available.

          We are not former prosecutors with false claims of “knowing the system from the inside” while hypocritically pretending to now fight for the rights of the people those attorneys formerly incarcerated at all costs.  We have always proudly fought for the accused and will never stop!


DUI, Phoenix

Criminal Defense

At Law Office of Joe Saienni, we provide the following legal services.


Maricopa County Superior Court


City and Justice Courts in Arizona Jurisdictions


We are ready to help you.
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DUI Lawyer

About Law Office of Joe Saienni

Joe Saienni is an Arizona native and an Arizona State University graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance, a Master of Business Administration and his Juris Doctor, all from A.S.U.  Mr. Saienni was a successful businessman having held executive positions in finance and real estate prior to embarking on the practice of law in 1997.

Since that time he has appeared in hundreds of cases and has been lead counsel in dozens of trials throughout Arizona.  His case list regularly includes cases in federal courts, county superior courts, city courts and justice courts throughout Arizona.  His diverse practice has included complex commercial litigation, real estate matters, family matters, personal injury and wrongful death and complex international transactional matters.

Of high profile note, Mr. Saienni:

Represented the Concerned Citizens of Southwest Chandler in their successful zoning battle to bar a national retail chain from locating a big box superstore in their neighborhood;

Negotiated the international data management systems development service agreement between United States based Retail Application Specialists, Inc. and Malaysian based Metrojaya Berhad to systemize global retail operations;

Defended the man accused in the high media profile case dubbed the “Supersonic Bandit” allegedly having committed dozens of armed robberies during a three-month crime spree;

Joined with other criminal defense attorneys in discovering and challenging mismanagement and deception in the State’s use of the Intoxilyzer 5000 in DUI arrests and prosecutions which resulted in the dismissal of thousands of unconstitutionally prosecuted DUIs.

Successfully defended baseball star Albert Belle against frivolous political charges brought against him solely for public relations purposes entirely outside the interest of justice.

More recently he has focused on personal injury matters and the aggressive defense of felony and misdemeanor matters ranging from first degree murder and DUIs to trespassing and prostitution, appeals and petitions for post conviction relief under Rule 32 of the Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure and petitions to the Arizona Board of Executive Clemency seeking gubernatorial commutation of imposed prison sentences

Mr. Saienni is, or has formerly been, affiliated with Arizona Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Maricopa County Bar Association, Phi Delta Phi Legal Fraternity, Home Builders Association of Central Arizona, National Association of Home Builders, HomeAid Arizona, Valley Partnership, Community Association Institute, Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity and the Arizona State Alumni Association, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association

In addition to his law practice Mr. Saienni regularly teaches and puts on criminal law seminars on topics ranging from the criminal defense of DUIs to litigation ethics to the practice of criminal defense law in the federal court system.  He is also an FAA Certified Flight Instructor and teaches ground and flight courses through his aviation affiliate “Clear Skies Flight Center.”  He is also a PADI (Professional Association of Dive Instructors) Scuba Instructor through his affiliate “Blue Horizon Scuba.”

DUI Legal Team

Meet the team

In 1776 this nation’s founders declared independence from an oppressive monarchy in order to create a free and democratic form of government designed to serve its citizens and to protect their rights and liberties.  Since those great beginnings our government has grown into a monstrous bureaucracy that passes law after law intent on rendering virtually every human endeavor a criminal act.  We have reached a point where a person cannot defend themselves or their loved ones without risking an assault charge.  A homeless person cannot rest by the roadside without being charged with trespass.  Innocently overdrawing your checking account results in fraud charges.  If you attend church and take communion you will probably be pulled over and prosecuted for DUI.  We are rapidly returning to that oppressive monarchy we escaped over 200 years ago!

          When you are charged with a crime the government’s only desire is to prove you guilty regardless of the truth!  Once charged, prosecutors are not interested in evidence that they may be mistaken and judges, mostly former prosecutors, are so afraid of being seen as “soft on crime” that they are more than willing to let prosecutors steam-roller over your constitutional rights.  This hysteria has infected the general public with 60% - 80% of people surveyed stating that they believe that if a person is charged with a crime then that person is probably guilty notwithstanding that new developments in technology and DNA are freeing wrongly charged innocent people from prisons in droves!  Our government is making a mockery out of the presumption of innocence until proven guilty beyond all reasonable doubt!

The government no longer protects individuals and it falls to aggressive defense counsel representation and an ability to win the confidence of a jury that preserves an individual’s constitutional rights and protects him or her from the government’s awesome power to incarcerate people at will!!

The legal team at Joe Saienni, P.C. is committed to protecting your rights and fighting for your innocence.  Whether you’re charged with a misdemeanor such as DUI or assault or a serious felony such as homicide or a sex offense, we know the system, know the players, know what experts to use, know how to find mistakes in the police investigation and in the prosecutor’s case, and know how to win cases!  Joe Saienni, P.C. provides statewide representation in state or federal court.  We welcome Spanish speaking clients!  Initial consultations, including jail consultations, are free and evening and weekend appointments are available.

          We are not former prosecutors with false claims of “knowing the system from the inside” while hypocritically pretending to now fight for the rights of the people those attorneys formerly incarcerated at all costs.  We have always proudly fought for the accused and will never stop!

Brooke Jolley


Brooke Jolley is the firm’s senior paralegal and office manager. She has extensive experience in criminal law, all areas of civil practice and in juvenile court proceedings. She is a member of the Maricopa County Bar Paralegal Division and regularly participates with Mr. Saienni in preparing materials and organizing and chairing seminars addressing recent developments in criminal law and other legal topics. Ms. Jolley works closely with paralegals, clerks, investigators, prosecutors, witnesses, experts, jail personnel, judicial staff and clients in working the case and preparing for trial. She has assisted lead counsel in dozens of trials and court proceedings from jury selection right up through verdict. She and her staff are constantly apprised of the status of all firm matters. No client need ever be kept waiting for the status of their case simply because their attorney is unavailable working the case in court or otherwise engaged. As community service she mentors young people who demonstrate a desire to pursue the legal profession and helps to guide them toward fulfilling and rewarding careers as paralegals and beyond. Brooke also actively participates with Mr. Saienni in political activities designed to protect the rights of accused individuals against the oppressive prosecutorial force of the state and federal government and works hard to politically combat those who would continue to subvert and erode the individual rights and liberties upon which the United States of America is based.

Get in touch with
Law Office of Joe Saienni


7227 N. 16th Street, Suite 216
Phoenix, AZ 85020

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